Sunday 29 June 2014

This Is My Problem

One of my problems is that it's just so difficult to separate myself from my computer. However, by doing so I'll save electricity and in turn, save the Earth. A sacrifice. 
Turn it off. JUST DO IT.

The Final Problem?

Saturday 28 June 2014


The hot air released from a portable air-conditioner can be used to dry mopped floors or provide a heat to dry clothing, especially in rainy days. It can also be used to keep a storage room dry.

Earth Hour Comparison

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an initiative to help Earth reduce the energy sources depletion crisis. It is an annual worldwide event where people around the globe are encouraged to switch off their lights and other electronic appliances for one hour. It was an effort to reduce the use of fossil fuels and also reduce global warming.

The Cost of Air Conditioning Vs. Fans

- A good window AC unit 
   * Runs on 1.2 kilowatts and costs 14 cents an hour to run.

- A three-ton central air unit (a common cooling system), 
   * Runs on about 3 kilowatts and costs about 36 cents an hour to run.

- A good ceiling fan
    * Draws only 30 watts to run, costing about 1 cent per three hours of use.
    * Uses less  than 1% of the energy of AC units.

Running the Cost Figures Over a Month

- A window AC unit 
$50.40 per month

- A central AC unit 
$129.60 per month

- Each ceiling fan 
$1.20 per month

Save over $128 per month by putting up a ceiling fan and weening off of AC.

Additional Benefits to Getting Rid of AC

- 25% of all electricity consumed at home in the U.S. is to power AC units.
   * Most of that electricity is coming from carbon-rich coal.

Edited from,

EPA's cleanup recommendations for a broken CFL

Before Cleanup

- Have people and pets leave the room.

- Air out the room for 5-10 minutes by opening a window or door to the outdoor environment.

- Shut off the central forced air heating/air-conditioning system, if you have one.

- Collect materials needed to clean up broken bulb: stiff paper or cardboard; sticky tape; damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes (for hard surfaces); and a glass jar with a metal lid or a sealable plastic bag.

During Cleanup

- Be thorough in collecting broken glass and visible powder.

- Place cleanup materials in a sealable container.

After Cleanup

- Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly. Avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.

- If practical, continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the heating/air conditioning system shut off for several hours.

Power to change